Scientific Program
EYE ON 2030, Energy, Digitization, Health & comfort,
Circularity and Learning & Education
EYE ON 2030
From now to 2030 the world of HVAC will change radically. Fuelled by irreversible influences, the current demands on climate installations will change completely. These themes are Energy, Circularity, Digitalization, Health & Comfort and Learning & Education. Everybody will agree that these themes will have a huge impact. But how will they evolve from now till 2030? Which insights will we have with regards to the themes? And how do these themes relate to each other? Will they reinforce or delay each other? And how does the impact of climate installations relate to the building process and other influences?
CLIMA 2022 considers beside the Energy Efficiency First principle the Clean Energy Transition of the built environment of vital importance. The development of high-performing building services systems that use heat, cold and electricity from renewable resources is accelerating, creating a need for flexibility, energy storage and inter-building energy exchanges. Consequently, there is also a need for innovative HVAC products and for performance optimization by improved design, operation, and maintenance of the various integrated mechanical and electrical sub-systems. This typically includes reduction and balancing of the energy demands for heating, cooling and ventilation. While this is not exactly trivial in new buildings, it poses huge technical, social, economic, and political challenges for existing buildings, much needed to make the EU Renovation Wave happen. Obviously, the solutions will vary across countries. Exchanging experiences and learning from each other are the main objectives of CLIMA 2022. This is not limited to the technical aspects, but also includes economic, cultural, juridical and organizational aspects. The overall energy system is becoming more dynamic and is influenced by additional actors with non-traditional roles. When homes become small energy plants, large building complexes start to exchange energy, or smart data companies control energy consumption, the governments, grid operators, energy companies, financial institutions and our sector need to collaborate and respond.
CLIMA 2022 therefore welcomes original contributions that introduce, share, broaden and improve scientific and practical knowledge and experiences.
CLIMA 2022 considers digital solutions that encourage the energy transition in the built environment as a very important theme. Solutions of the digital building transformation are expected in the areas of (predictive) digital twinning, data-driven smart buildings, data management, and continuous commissioning. Nowadays digital solutions must be capable of handling a wide variety of HVAC systems and even be self-learning in detecting trends and process anomalies. Stand-alone (add-on) or embedded solutions are possible, but system architectures must include large scale deployment (wired and wireless solutions, IoT, cloud solutions, blockchain technologies). Monitoring strategies are needed that also bridge the gap between Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS) and Building Information Modeling (BIM), and enable lifetime-cost control using system and building-contextual data. Large-scale monitoring of energy, comfort and life-cycle cost performances at an affordable cost level are needed in support of business cases and policies. Finally, the recent COVID pandemic has triggered research on digital-focused design, monitoring and control of ventilation systems, in relation to overall comfort and health. This includes AI algorithms for fault detection and diagnosis, pattern recognition and anomaly detection.
CLIMA 2022 therefore welcomes original contributions on digital solutions supporting the building upgrading process and building (energy) management.
Health & comfort
The achievement of health and comfort of people in the built environment, whether at home, at work, at school, or enjoying free time, is a complex subject that involves physics, behaviour, physiology, energy conservation, climate change, architecture, engineering and technology. The way people feel, experience and behave in their environment is related to the quality of their environment, described by the thermal, air, lighting and sound qualities, but also to the ability of the buildings and systems to respond to people’s changing needs and preferences and the ability of people to respond to new buildings and systems. As shown by the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, building systems have to provide a resilient environment not only on the long term (as climate change is evolving) but also in the short term (for example during a pandemic). CLIMA 2022 challenges advances in intelligent interfaces and interaction between building, indoor climate systems and humans and welcomes contributions seeking to new approaches to health & comfort in relation to low-energy buildings and energy-efficient retrofit.
CLIMA 2022 therefore welcomes original contributions that introduce, share, broaden and improve scientific and practical knowledge and experiences.
As a result of a growing population worldwide and the need for comfortable and healthy indoor environments, a massive building challenge lies ahead with the development of new building projects as well as the need to upgrade the existing building stock. To ensure a future-proof, sustainable economy for future generations, reducing the use of primary resources is essential. Circularity aims at closing and connecting material, water and energy flows while eliminating waste. The HVAC sector has a particularly high potential to contribute to circularity. Cycling energy, air and water flows is its core business. Components are frequently subject to upgrades and change. The retention and reuse of valuable materials and components offer business opportunities. However, the associated benefits have not yet translated into a large-scale market breakthrough. The sector needs a clear vision on how to achieve circularity goals, based on innovative strategies and an integrated approach with regard to circular design, product technology, business models, and management. CLIMA 2022 considers circularity as a primary challenge for the coming decade.
We therefore welcome contributions that initiate, share, and improve scientific and practical knowledge and best practice examples in the aforementioned areas.
Learning & education
The European Union set ambitious targets for the green energy transition in the built environment. To deliver the transition to an energy-efficient, circular, digitized and healthy built environment, we need the urgent upscale of skills and knowledge and the wide dissemination of technical innovations, proven knowledge and approaches. The building services sector is essential for realizing this transition: beside delivering the workforce to design, install and maintain all energy and indoor climate equipment in buildings and neighbourhoods, the education sector also acts as innovator and is essential for the construction, energy, IT and health sectors, integrating knowledge from these fields. Rapid changes in energy and HVAC engineering techniques and systems as well as in contracts and processes make it necessary to accelerate the uptake of knowledge in these areas. This means that continuous professional development of the current workforce and the education of new employees is necessary. There is a growing need for in-company, sectoral and cross-sectoral learning communities.
CLIMA 2022 considers advances in learning & education as being essential to the sector and therefore welcomes original contributions demonstrating novel approaches and good practices in developing learning communities and curricula to attract and educate young professionals as well as train experienced practitioners digitally and on the job.
Read more about abstract themes
From scientists to HVAC system designers, manufacturers to building system consultants and students. Everybody is welcome to submit knowlegde and inspiration to face our challenges in the field of HVAC ahead. This is of course not a requirement for participation in the conference. Feel free to experience CLIMA 2022 as a visitor, sponsor or exhibitor. Be inspired by all key-notes speeches, submitted paper presentations, exchange ideas during interactive sessions and get to know professionals from all over the world.