We are excited to announce Marjan Minnesma as keynote lecturer at the opening ceremony of CLIMA 2022 on Sunday, May 22nd 2022. Marjan is director of the Urgenda Foundation, an organization that successfully realized a ruling by the Dutch Supreme Court, finding that the Dutch government is required to take faster and more drastic measures to combat climate change. Marjan has been named the most influential person working in the field of sustainability in the Netherlands three years in a row. In 2015 she was declared to be a ‘leading global thinker’ by the authoritative American magazine Foreign Policy.
“Marjan Minnesma wrote the report and agenda for the Netherlands: “100% sustainable energy in the Netherlands in 2030; It is possible, if we really want to” including all figures and pathways for the next fifteen years. Therefore we feel she is the best person to open the scientific programme of CLIMA 2022 and introduce our overall theme: EYE ON 2030,” says Atze Boerstra, Congress President of CLIMA 2022. “As the program is getting more and more concrete CLIMA 2022 promises to be an attractive event for academics as well as for representatives of manufacturers, installers, consulting engineers and clients. In fact, our goal is to make CLIMA 2022 the most versatile and varied congress ever organized for REHVA.”