Workshop | CEN-CE scheme roll-out: harmonised training and certification of experts on EPB standards

Learning & Education

Date Tuesday May 24
Time 11:00 - 12:30
Theme Learning & Education
Location Dock 15

Maintaining a constant exchange of information will be needed between universities, manufacturers, policy makers and practitioners (designers, installers, operators, auditors) to guarantee the feedback loop is closed and all lessons learned captured, while taking into consideration the sector’s language gap.
The set of EPB standards anchored in the EPBD and bringing added value to day-to-day activities of practitioners are the lynchpin between policy, standardization and practice. The EPB standards and related tools were however not enough, training was missing to create the needed communication bridges and overall community as described above.
CEN-CE scheme is now here! Join this workshop to understand the CEN-CE scheme’s concept, how it’s currently being rolled out, by REHVA and EPB Center, across Europe in cooperation with REHVA MAs (e.g. AIIR) and how to get involved and become a certified trainer in your country

Speakers Organisers
Catalin Lungu Andrei Litiu
Johann Zirngibl
Laurent Socal

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