Workshop | Efficiency beyond the building: the leverage of advanced HVAC control systems in the management of Energy Communities


Date Wednesday May 25
Time 11:00 - 12:30
Theme Digitization
Location Dock 6

The workshop will introduce the principle of operation of Artificial Intelligence-based advanced BACS and focus on how these algorithms can be exploited to reach optimal performance of the HVAC systems with respect to different objective functions, ranging from occupants’ comfort requests to community level energy self-sufficiency.

Specifically, the participants will exchange ideas on whether, how, and to which extent indoor environmental conditions and preferences – maintained through the remote management of the HVAC systems – can target flexible set-points, to be varied based on the energy use profiles and on the renewable energy production patterns both at the building level and at the community level as well as the needs of grid balancing. The discussion will thus explore the role of HVAC in Demand Side Management (DMS).
The Energy Communities introduced by the recast of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) and the Internal Electricity Market (IEM) represent an interesting new frontier for the application of advanced BACS in DMS services. In this framework, the possibility of cooperation with providers of energy flexibility services and the available business models to propose optimized HVAC-related management services will also be explored, opening up the discussion to the available opportunities from Country to Country.

Speakers Organisers
Tiziana Buso Tiziana Buso
Attilio Di Sabato


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