Congress presidents
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Congress President
Dr. ir. Atze Boerstra
Dr. ir. Atze Boerstra is managing director of BBA Binnenmilieu, a Dutch consultancy firm (based in The Hague) specialised in Healthy Building, Indoor Air Quality & Thermal Comfort. He has a background in Mechanical Engineering (specialisation: HVAC technology, Delft University of Technology) and has a PhD in building science from the Eindhoven University of Technology. He is specialised in the investigation of ‘sick’ buildings and the design of healthy buildings and healthy building service systems. He also has many years of experience with indoor climate related law suits and indoor air & comfort related policy advice for both local and central governments. In the past he was a board member of TVVL, the Dutch Society for Building Services and Technology and president of the Dutch chapter of the International Society for Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ.nl). Since mid-2016 he is vice-president of REHVA. Atze has published over 50 papers in national and international journals and presents regularly at scientific conferences all over the world.
Congress Vice Presidents
Dr. ing. Lada Hensen Centnerová
Lada Hensen Centnerová is a researcher, teacher and manager in the Building Physics and Services unit of the Department of the Built Environment. She is Operational Director of PDEng program Smart Buildings & Cities. Her research focuses on indoor environment quality (especially thermal comfort and indoor air quality), how this would affect health and wellbeing, and how this can be optimised in design and operation of buildings. As an indoor environment expert she wants to make people feel better in buildings. In her view, buildings primarily exist to provide a good indoor environment; sustainability and fossil energy consumption are important considerations but secondary.
Prof. dr. ir. Laure Itard
Laure Itard is Professor Building Energy Epidemiology at the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of Delft University of Technology and REHVA fellow. She has a background in thermodynamics and has been working since 2004 at TU Delft. After her PhD research on high efficiency wet-compression-resorption heat pumps she has worked for several years as a consulting engineer and software developer at Deerns b.v. in the field of energy and buildings. Between 2010 and 2017 she was also Professor of applied sciences at The Hague University of applied sciences, research group Energy in the Built Environment. Her field of expertise is performance analysis, modelling, diagnosis and optimisation of energy systems in operation, at the level of buildings and the building stock.